How many YouTube videos have you found that would be a great addition to your lesson but couldn't show to your students due to inappropriate comments, ads that show before the video begins, or suggested videos visible with the clip?  The resources below are a great way to "clean up" the extras that come with YouTube videos and make showing the clips more classroom friendly.


"Mathademics is a community learning tool.  Mathcast tutorials here are created by certified teachers with one mission: to improve and make learning accessible to all students." 

This site has a variety of tutorials.  Lessons from telling time to scientific notation can be found.

Check out Mathademic here.
"Tony Mangiacapre, high school physics teacher of St. Mary's High School in Manhasset, NY, has combined his degree in instructional technology with modern communications to enhance his own classroom instruction and incorporate new methods of learning and sharing instructional strategies with teachers worldwide. He has taken the entire New York State physics curriculum and put it on a Website, which contains his daily lesson plans with graphics, Flash animation, simulations, interactive games and exams and YouTube videos. These lesson plans are shared with teachers throughout the United States, England, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand and other countries." - From Tech & Learning
The Khan Academy website contains numerous video resources (especially math and science) for students.  Share the Khan Academy link with your classes!
Check out some of the great video resources here.
Mr. Robb has posted hundreds of math videos which he initially created to help his own students.  Check out his YouTube site here.